The Story
of VandyFay

In 2021, a late-stage cancer diagnosis was life-altering.

After working in healthcare for over 20 years and taking care of thousands of patients, I now became the patient. Maneuvering my way through treatments (chemotherapy, surgery, radiation) and now chemotherapy pills, my new reality stared me in the face. I could not return to the 3 to 4, 12-hour shift days to which I was accustomed. I had to find a new way to survive and earn an income.

It was then that I stumbled upon what would become my new lifeline: VandyFay Products. The cancer treatments had done great damage to my skin; this led me on a journey to find natural products with simple ingredients, to best heal my skin.

It began with intense research into the benefits of natural herbs and how to combine them in different ways, to create the products we now have today such as: natural body butters, shower steamers, fancy and cold process soaps, pedi and bath bombs and other products.

Today, my skin has greatly improved and now I share these products with you for your personal benefit.

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